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Aharon's Jewish Books and Judaica
600 South Holly Street Suite 103
Denver, Colorado 80246
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Jewish Software  --> Davka Software --> Hebrew Language

The most entertaining program available for teaching kids Hebrew reading!


  My Israel Hebrew Adventure

A fun, fascinating, and effective program that will help both children and adults improve their Hebrew language skills. Ages 8 to adult.
  Learn to Learn Chumash
Six interactive, skill-building games that will help enhance and increase your basic Chumash vocabulary
  Prayer Practice
Includes everything you need to master reading, writing, analyzing and translating Biblical Hebrew!
  Biblical Hebrew
Includes everything you need to master reading, writing, analyzing and translating Biblical Hebrew!
  Davka Dikduk I
The best way to learn Hebrew grammar!
  Ready for Reading
A fun-filled ride through the world of Hebrew reading for ages 6 and up.
  Modern Hebrew
Provides all the tools you need to improve your Hebrew language skills.
  Learning to Read Hebrew
A complete course in Hebrew reading on CD-ROM for ages 10 and up.
  Ready for Rashi
Ready for Rashi is the perfect way to learn Rashi script!
  Jerusalem Dictionary
Hebrew-English / English-Hebrew Dictionary and Thesaurus software
  Davka Dikduk II
A comprehensive Hebrew grammar program that picks up where the first Davka Dikduk program leaves off.


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