- Jerusalem Dictionary
English-Hebrew Dictionary, Thesaurus, Spell-Checker,
Translator, and Verb Conjugator in One easy to use program!
Age Level: 12-Adult
Media: CD-ROM
Version: Windows 95 and higher
About - Jerusalem Dictionary
From the main screen, the power of the product is readily
apparent. You can spell-check and translate a word, browse the
dictionary, cross-check a translation, view synonyms,
antonyms, tense and more. As a standalone program, simply type
in a word and its translations appear. The word can be typed
in English and have the translation in Hebrew or vice versa.
When run in background mode, you highlight a word in your word
processor, press the hotkey and the Jerusalem Dictionary
window appears with the word already entered into the input
When a word is misspelled, a list of close words is presented
from which to choose the correctly spelled word. The program
will let you know if the word is a noun, adjective, pronoun,
etc. or possibly several of them at once. A list of
same-language antonyms (opposites) appears, making this
program worthwhile even if you don't require the Hebrew.
Languages and use of expression can be a curious thing. An
expression used in English cannot be literally translated word
for word into another language and mean the same thing.
Jerusalem Dictionary includes a list of thousands of bilingual
Besides antonyms and translations, Jerusalem Dictionary
provides a list of synonyms in the language of your choice.
Click on any of the synonyms the translation and antonym
appear automatically.
It is possible to add to Jerusalem Dictionary's already
extensive dictionary.
Jerusalem Dictionary conjugates verbs using over 8,000 tables
of fully conjugated Hebrew and English verbs. The full list of
Hebrew verbs can be displayed and scrolled.
Use this system to help translate websites, business
documents, school work and research. Take advantage of this
technology to make your communications and correspondence more
This is a product you’ll be glad you have around.
Features - Jerusalem Dictionary
- Hebrew English Dictionary
- with instant look-up
- Hebrew English Thesaurus
- Hebrew English Synonyms
- Hebrew English Antonyms
- 8,000 Verb Tables - with
instant look-up
- Hebrew English
- Hebrew English Phrase &
Expression Dictionary
- Easy text entry from
dictionary to Dagesh Pro or Hebrew Word