About - Passover Seder with The
Bostoner Rebbe
The Bostoner Rebbe's Seder
Niggunim & Seder Guide
The Bostoner Rebbe's Seder has been attended for more than 60
years. Thousands of people from all walks of life, from
Beginners experiencing their first Seder, to Talmudic
Scholars, all came to partake and experience the Rebbe's truly
unique and inspiring Passover Seder.
Through this CD-ROM we invite you to partake of the Rebbe's
Seder. By listening and learning these Old Nusach Niggunim
(Authentic Traditional Melodies) you will be able to
incoporate them into your own Seder. Many of these melodies
are attributed to the Bal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic
movement, and are over 250 years old, others are uniquely
Boston Chassidic in origin.
Included with the CD-ROM is a "Concise Passover Seder Guide"
which will help you prepare for this year's Passover Seder and
help maximize your Seder experience.
Note: These songs can be listened to via computer or any CD
Audio Player. No special equipment is necessary. It will play
through any Car Audio or Home System, so you can enjoy this
CD-ROM wherever you go!
Features - Passover Seder with The Bostoner Rebbe
Seder Night Passover Songs
Features The Bostoner Rebbe
Shlita- Suki Berry - Asher Scharf
Includes a Passover Seder Guide
with background information on each song.
Audio CD-ROM will play on all
computer systems cd players and Automobile CD Players!
List of Songs & Melodies -
Kadaish Urchatz
Avadim Hayenu
Al Achas
B'Tzais Yisroel
Hallalu - Odicha
Ana Hashem
Koli Ata
VaYehe B'Chatzi
Karaiv Yom
Ki Lo Na Eh
Chasal Siddur Pessach
Leshana Haba
Adir Hoo - Kol Bna
Chad Gad Yah
Ezras Avosainu
Adir B'Mlucha