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Clear Skies - The Story of the Israeli Air Force
The Story of the Israeli Air Force
Ages: 12-Adult

Language: English/French

Media: DVD-Video

Version: Windows 98 and higher

About - Clear Skies - The Story of the Israeli Air Force

Despite its humble beginnings as a simple "Sherut Avir" (Air Service) in 1947, in the short half-century since its inception the Israeli Air Force (IAF) has soared to international distinction as one of the most imposing aerial legions in military history. Often said to have been "born in battle", the IAF has grown strong not by field practice, but through the exercise of countless defensive attacks, "redemption" airlifts, and covert pre-emptive missions.

"Clear Skies" tells the story of the Israeli Air Force through its collection of the most "inside" military and media footage available to the public. Witness the IAFs development from the War of Independence (1948) and the surprise attack of the Sinai Campaign (1956) to the incredibly strategic pre-emptive strikes on entire Arab airfields of the Six Day War (1967) and the humbling losses sustained in the Yom Kippur War (1973). Under cover of absolute darkness, marvel at the ingenious commando rescue of 103 hostages at the Entebbe airport in Uganda (1976), the 1981 sneak-bombing of the nuclear reactor near Baghdad (shown through the cross-hairs of the pilot who bombed it!), and the 1991 airlift of 14,000 persecuted Ethiopian Jews to Israel, events that have earned the IAF its reputation as an elite fighting force that is not to be trifled with.

Features - Clear Skies - The Story of the Israeli Air Force

• Detailed maps
• Visual illustration of attack points
• Extensive aircraft information (including the IAFs new pilotless aircrafts!)
• "Inside" footage of pilots in training
• In-depth explanation of Israeli air defense strategy

Running Time: 1 hour


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