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About - Parsha on Parade - Deuteronomy!

Reuven A. Stone and Menachim Z. Shimanowitz have joined forces with TES, producing a 5 part multi-media series that teaches the Parsha (weekly portion of the Torah ) in a fun and exciting way.

Colorful, interactive screens for every Parsha feature the episode, coloring pages, midrash, games and puzzles as well as roll-over action, original music, animated buttons and the voices of those zany Torah Tots.

Childen of all ages will love clicking their way through this one-of-a-kind multi-media extravaganza. Its a valuable learning tool that will bring joy and edutainment to every Jewish home and school for years to come.

Features - Parsha on Parade - Deuteronomy!

Topics Covered include:

* Rebuke of the Tribes
* The Appointment of Judges
* The Mission of the Spies
* God Commands Israel to March Toward the Land
* The Conquest of Og
* The Inheritance of Reuben Gad and Half of Manasseh
* Setting Aside the Cities of Refuge
* Not Succumbing to Prosperity
* Teaching the Tradition to Children
* Remembering the Exodus and the Tribulations in the Wilderness
* Aaron's Death
* Firsthand Knowledge of God's Miracles
* The Great Virtues of the Land
* Blessing and Curse
* Sanctity of the Land
* Sacred Foods Consumed Only in Jerusalem
* Permission to Eat Unconsecrated Meat
* General Principles of Observance
* A False Prophet
* One Who Entices Others to Go Astray
* Permitted and Forbidden Food
* The Second Tithe
* Remission of Loans
* To Be Warm-hearted and Open-handed to our Brethren
* A Jewish Bondsman
* Three Pilgrimage Festivals Pesach Shavuos Succos
* To Come to Jerusalem With Offerings
* Establishment of Just Courts
* Blemished Sacrifice
* The Death Penalty for an Idol Worshiper
* The Rebellious Elder
* A King in Israel
* God Sends His Prophets to Israel
* Preserving Boundaries
* Conspiring Witnesses
* When Israel Goes to War
* Those Unqualified to Fight
* Overtures for Peace
* Preservation of Fruit Trees
* Unsolved Murder - The Axed Heifer
* Treatment of War Captives
* The Firstborn's Inviolable Right
* The Wayward and Rebellious Son
* Punishment of Hanging and Burial
* Concern for the Property of Another
* Male and Female Garb
* Sending the Mother Bird from the Nest
* Defamation of a Married Woman
* Forbidden and Restricted Marriages
* Sanctity of the Camp
* An Escaped Slave
* Interest free loans
* Vows to God
* A Worker's Right to Eat of the crop while working in field
* Divorce and Remarriage
* Kidnaping
* Slander
* Dignity of a Debtor
* Timely Payment of Workers
* Individual Responsibility
* Consideration for the Orphan and Widow
* Gifts To the Poor from the Harvest
* Penalty for Embarrassing Another
* Honest Weights and Measures
* Remembering Amalek
* First Fruits
* Blessings and Curses
* Moses' Final Charge to the People
* Moses Takes Leave

Program Features Include:

* Interactive overview of each Parsha
* Animated Characters and Original songs
* In depth narrated story of each event in the Parsha
* The narration uses special sound effects and voices for effect
* Quizzes for grade levels 2-8 on each Parsha
* The Midrash on the Parsha
* For little tikes there are Coloring games with songs on each Parsha
* Ten in depth quizzes for older kids on each Parsha
* Master test on all of Exodus
* Parsha Art on each Parsha
* All Picture libraries are printable as well as colorable on screen

BONUS: Built in Teachers Resource Archive with everything a teacher needs to customize the Parsha learning experience in the classroom.


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