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About - Parsha on Parade - Numbers!

Reuven A. Stone and Menachim Z. Shimanowitz have joined forces with TES, producing a 5 part multi-media series that teaches the Parsha (weekly portion of the Torah ) in a fun and exciting way.

Colorful, interactive screens for every Parsha feature the episode, coloring pages, midrash, games and puzzles as well as roll-over action, original music, animated buttons and the voices of those zany Torah Tots.

Childen of all ages will love clicking their way through this one-of-a-kind multi-media extravaganza. Its a valuable learning tool that will bring joy and edutainment to every Jewish home and school for years to come.

Features - Parsha on Parade - Numbers!

Topics Covered include:

* Census in the Wilderness
* The Levites - The Legion of God
* Theft
* The Wayward Wife
* Confession
* The Nazirite
* The Priestly Blessings
* The Menorah
* Pesach Offering in the Wilderness
* Moses Invites Jethro to Join the Nation
* The Sanhedrin
* Moses' Uniqueness is Challenged
* Miriam is Quarantined
* The Command to Send Spies
* Sabbath Desecration
* Tzitzis
* Korach's Rebellion
* Gifts to the Kohanim
* The Red Cow
* Miriam's Death and the Lack of Water
* Amalek Attacks
* Balaam's Donkey Speaks
* Phineas's Zealotry
* Zelophehad's Daughters
* Laws of Inheritance
* The Request of Reuben and Gad

Program Features Include:

* Interactive overview of each Parsha
* Animated Characters and Original songs
* In depth narrated story of each event in the Parsha
* The narration uses special sound effects and voices for effect
* Quizzes for grade levels 2-8 on each Parsha
* The Midrash on the Parsha
* For little tikes there are Coloring games with songs on each Parsha
* Ten in depth quizzes for older kids on each Parsha
* Master test on all of Exodus
* Parsha Art on each Parsha
* All Picture libraries are printable as well as colorable on screen

BONUS: Built in Teachers Resource Archive with everything a teacher needs to customize the Parsha learning experience in the classroom.


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